Hair Transplant Story in Turkey
This young man went to a hair transplant in Turkey a year ago and shares his experience of his reulsts. The clinic promised him a certain amounts of grafts, PRP, a nice hotel and many other things that didn’t happen.
This young man went to a hair transplant in Turkey a year ago and shares his experience of his reulsts. The clinic promised him a certain amounts of grafts, PRP, a nice hotel and many other things that didn’t happen.
Dr. Dan McGrath and David DiMuzzio share what is happening in black market clinics around the world. Dr. McGrath is the President of the ABHRS, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery and an esteemed member of the ISHRS.
In this video, a patient from Guatemala recently visited Dra. Schambach for a hair transplant repair. He had gotten a hair transplant two years earlier in another clinic in Guatemala. He realized before it was too late once he was undergoing the procedure that something was not right. When he went to the clinic for his first consultation before the …
A patient of Dr. Francisco Jimenez, ISHRS President, shares his experience of traveling to Turkey for a hair transplant after seeing advertisements in Spain for low cost hair transplants. Listen to his story as he shares his experience and the fact that he never saw a doctor. He doesn’t even know who performed his surgery. Now, he is getting a …
In this video a patient shares his bad experience with a hair transplant clinic in Turkey. When doing research, the patient contacted a clinic and they told him they would transplant 5,000 hair grafts without ever having seen a picture of him. Once he arrived at the clinic, the doctor drew the hairline, but it wasn’t what he wanted it …
In 2017, this patient traveled to hospital in Istanbul for a beard transplant. His experience was disastrous. It has taken him a lot of time, cost, and pain to fix the near irreparable damage that – for a time – he believed had permanently ruined his face. He booked his procedure through a travel medical agency; through them, they arranged …
This patient’s case is unfortunately a too common one. A young man was desperately seeking to improve his hair appearance by a surgical hair restoration and got dazzled by the promises and the low-cost offers that are heavily advertised by a beauty clinic. These kinds of facilities attract people interested in getting a hair transplant, based on heavy advertising and …
With the rise of the internet and globalization, the world is literally at our fingertips. Not only can we easily cross borders for leisure travel and tourism, it is possible to visit nearly any country to conduct business or to purchase goods and services. In recent years, this worldwide open marketplace has given rise to another growing trend: medical tourism. …
During HairCon 2019, the annual conference of the Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons of India, a “No To Ghost Surgery By Technicians” pledge was taken by all the attending delegates. They also formed a local ethical committee to address this issue. You can read more about this on our Hair Transplant Black Market page. As a responsible member of the …
Hair transplant patients around the world are being lured to “black market pirate clinics” operated by technicians with little or no training promising guaranteed results which pose serious risks to unsuspecting men and women seeking help for hair loss. Hair Transplant Risks You Should Know – Unlicensed Practice of Medicine from International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons Many of the …