before hair transplant

Overharvested Donor Area – Hair Transplant Casualty Black Market Clinic Shares His Story

My name is Chris, and I am seeking assistance worldwide. I fell victim to a fraudulent and illicit hair transplant clinic, and I am in need of help. Approximately fifteen months ago, I made a regrettable mistake by opting for a hair transplant in Turkey. I had limited knowledge about the procedure, and it was a friend who suggested I …

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Victim of Black Market Hair Transplant Clinic Shares His Story

This case is presented by a victim of a black market hair transplant clinic. He contacted the ISHRS directly after finding the Fight the FIGHT campaign microsite and wishes to tell his story publicly to help others be aware. A video interview (hiding his identity) was conducted by the ISHRS after he reached out to us wanting to share his …

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Hair Transplant Repair Case Studies

See this video of Ricardo Mejia, MD interviewing Shady El-Maghraby, MD, MSc, FISHRS on various case studies of hair transplant repairs. As a hair restoration surgeon in Egypt, Dr. El-Maghraby is getting requests for repairs on a weekly basis. Learn more about ISHRS World Hair Transplant Repair Day on 11.11, where doctors will perform pro bono surgery for victims of …

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He Was Promised 2,500 Grafts- He Got 230 at Most

In this video, a patient from Guatemala recentlyvisited Dra. Schambach for a hair transplant repair. He had gotten a hair transplant two years earlier in another clinic in Guatemala. He realized before it was too late once he was undergoing the procedure that something was not right. When he went to the clinic for his first consultation before the surgery, …

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Beware of Clinics Where No Doctor is Present

A patient of Dr. Francisco Jimenez, ISHRS President, shares his experience of traveling to Turkey for a hair transplant after seeing advertisements in Spain for low cost hair transplants. Listen to his story as he shares his experience and the fact that he never saw a doctor. He doesn’t even know who performed his surgery. Now, he is getting a …

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Botched Beard Hair Transplant & Repair

In 2017, this patient traveled to hospital in Istanbul for a beard transplant. His experience was disastrous. It has taken him a lot of time, cost, and pain to fix the near irreparable damage that – for a time – he believed had permanently ruined his face. He booked his procedure through a travel medical agency; through them, they arranged …

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