Fight the Fight Awareness Campaign

Visit the Consumer Facing Page for Hair Transplant Repair Day by clicking the image above.

Participate in Hair Transplant Repair Day November 11, 2021

How Hair Transplant Repair Day Works

  • ISHRS Physician Members who wish to participate may add their name to the page.
  • Potential patients may reach out individually, as they choose, to listed members.
  • Some ISHRS members may already have a reparative case in which they plan to perform on 11/11.
  • Read the announcement of Hair Transplant Repair Day from the ISHRS Fight the FIGHT Subcommittee on August 13, 2021
  • See video message from Marcelo Pitchon, MD below.

Promotion for Participating Members

  • We hope your patient will be happy to share their story. If you have permission to share, we can then post the story with your name on the Fight the FIGHT website in your language and/or translate it to English.
  • Various paid media on Google and social media will be initiated for the event to gain exposure.
  • Various press releases will be distributed for journalist attention. 
  • Zoom meeting open to consumers for a Q & A and discussion on the “Art of Hair Transplantation”.
  • Video to discuss the risks and what is happening in different countries.
  • Pre-event video or article submissions talking about the event and your case and the event will be promoted on social media.

Action Items for Participating Members

  • Let us know of your partipation: Send an email to gro.srhsiobfsctd-92a86d@aijemb to let us know of your interest in your participation so we can add you to the list of participating members on the consumer landing page.
  • Download Media Kit (click here or on the image below for the page that has all the media kit documents):
    • Call or send an email to your local press. Custom press release and pitch letter provided for you. You may edit with your own quote.
    • Send an email communication to your patients informing them of your participation and direct them to the event website.
    • Request a custom ” I am Participating” tile to share on social media or your website. Email us your headshot and optional, an image of you performing a hair transplant. (See Examples in Media Kit page)
    • Share a video talking about the event on November 11, 2021 and the Fight the FIGHT campaign on your social channels and link the video to your communications to patients. Use the #hairtransplantrepairday, #ISHRS & #FightTheFIGHT hashtags on social media.

Click the image below for the page with the full Media Kit downloads

How you can Help If You Do not have a Case for Hair Transplant Repair Day

  • Visit the public facing page for Hair Transplant Repair Day and share on social media:
  • If you do not have a case, you can translate the press release in your language and send it to local journalists and get interviewed to share about the event and Fight the FIGHT campaign. See additional resources below for the campaign.
  • Follow ISHRS social media channels for various content pieces and share them.
  • Send a letter to your patients in your language letting them know about the event and the Fight the FIGHT campaign and if they know someone who has had a botched hair transplant. Download patient letter template here.

Fight the FIGHT Awareness Campaign Resources

Get Informed and Share Content from Our Multi-lingual Microsites

We have all the content for the Fight the FIGHT campaign in the following languages. Each is its own microsite. You can easily navigate between the different languages by clicking on the top left when you are browsing. If you would like to have a microsite in your language, please translate the pages in this document.

Please take a moment to view the valuable content and share in your email newsletters to your patients, social media audiences, and to your colleagues. We have case studies, FAQ pages, warnings, press releases, position statement and much more.

Send the ISHRS Position Statement on Qualifications for Scalp Surgery to Your Local Health Ministry

Position Statement on the Qualification for Scalp Surgery here.

Send an email to your local ministry of health with the following:

  • Send Global Council Unified Letter. Download here.
  • Customize Sample Intro letter for the Ministries of Health. Download here.
  • Send link to ISHRS Position Statement for Qualifications for Scalp Surgery. Link here.

Take the Pledge – #ITooktheISHRSPledge

Download instructions here.

See pledge examples on Instagram.

Download Videos and Images in Various Languages

Download the awareness campaign images and videos in various languages here.

Currently we have English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Greek. German coming soon. If you would like to have images and videos in your language, download this Word document and send us the translation.

Download Fight the Fight Powerpoint Presentation

Download Powerpoint Presentation in Other Languages

Download in English, Spanish, Portugues, Italian or Arabic to use as a presentation in a meeting or event or to share with your colleagues. Download here. Let us know if you would like to translate in another language by sending us the translation to gro.srhsiobfsctd-43e7df@thgifehtthgif.

Send Translated Press Releases to Your Local News Media

We have several press releases published related to the Fight the FIGHT campaign on this page. Help spread the word by translating in your language and contact your local news media. If you translate any press release please forward it to us so we can add to the resource area for all members.

Send a letter to Your patients and Friends

Send a letter to all your patients and friends. Download sample letter here.

Make a Donation

Please Join the ISHRS Annual Giving Fund and help us in our Fight The FIGHT campaign with a donation! It is crucial that we have member support. Please make a donation to help support the battle against the unlicensed practice of medicine. To donate to the “Fight the FIGHT” campaign, go to this form.

Submit Your Articles Images or Videos

We need your help in providing good content in your native language to share in the micro site. We are accepting articles or case studies mainly in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Arabic. If you have articles in your other languages, we will accept submissions and post them once additional languages are set up. The articles can be either a case study that you have from a patient that comes to your office for a repair or an educational article for the consumer about various topics such as what is a good hairline design or achieving good density. These articles can be added to the Google Ad Grant program for additional exposure and your name will be credited as the author. Please send your submissions to gro.srhsiobfsctd-566ff3@thgifehtthgif 

Download Patient Consent Form

Please download here:  Waiver download.

Content Submission Guidelines

Content Submission Steps
  • Send an email to gro.srhsiobfsctd-3a444e@thgifehtthgif for instructions of where to upload content. Submit your signed patient release form with a copy of the patient’s government issued identification. Download blank form here:  and if your patient wishes to remain anonymous, have them sign this waiver.     For patients that wish to be anonymous use this form.
Capturing Original Content of Negatively Impacted Patients Due To the Unlicensed Practice of Medicine

Gaining access to images and/or videos that you capture, of the negatively impacted patients who personally visit you, could offer the Campaign meaningful content that we may wish to utilize. However, just getting content of any type, form or quality will not be helpful because in today’s content driven world the quality and consistency of this content is vital.

Sharing Your Original Content with the ISHRS

When you share your content, it will be reviewed internally and may be selected for use on ISHRS website(s), educational materials or campaign advertising.

The Legal Needs for Your Original Content and The ISHRS
Image Rights, Waivers and Potential Lawsuit for Copyright Violations

What is the waiver?

We have a waiver document for all patients, who ISHRS doctors or staff photograph, to sign. Currently, this is in paper form, but we are likely moving towards an electronic document with an e-signature where some type of additional identification confirmation e.g. a Driver’s License or other Government Issued identification may also be needed to confirm the signer’s identity.

Please download here:  Waiver download.

For patients that wish to be anonymous use this form.

How likely is a lawsuit from a patient featured in content or a doctor  or staff member, who captured the content, with or without the waiver?

In a world where, a non-profit animal rights organization,  can sue a camera owner, whose camera was briefly ‘borrowed’ by a monkey where the monkey then mistakenly took a ‘selfie’, on behalf of the monkey saying that the monkey owns the image that the monkey took (NPR: ‘Monkey Selfie’ Lawsuit Ends With Settlement Between PETA, Photographer), yet the camera owner was profiting off of, then anything is possible.

As for existing ISHRS imagery, a patient  could argue that their injuries are so unique and identifiable that even though their face may not be used their injuries alone are recognizable and could sue the ISHRS for image usage without compensation or a release being signed (especially if used for advertising / commercial purposes).

Some in the ISHRS feel that simply using the images as the ISHRS wishes and having a lawsuit result could be good PR for the campaign, but there are others, who feel quite the opposite, because we may also have some culpability and could be named in said suit. So, our collective goal is to take steps to avoid any likely suit.

Have Questions?

Contact Blanca Stella Mejia, Integrated Communications Manager: Send an email to gro.srhsiobfsctd-171ac4@aijemb or WhatsApp: +1.305.710.1311